I'm based in Tampa, FL

Building and improving software to help people with technology is what I do. Passion for learning and improvement has always been part of me.

Throughout my life, I have seen just how much the right technology can help people every day. Now I spend my time building those products and improving the world a little bit at a time.


My Tech Skills

  • I'm constantly learning and keeping up with current and upcoming industry tools, frameworks and trends. I'm most comfortable with building full stack web applications
  • Frontend - React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap
  • Backend - Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose

My Projects

Here are some examples of my work

Rivendell Gardens

Visitors can browse and view available plants listed.

Spectrum Salon

A fully responsive, beautiful, and modern website for an on trend full-service salon.

Ryze PC Builds

A great place to get prebuilt custom computers for what you need and at a great price.

Available for freelancing

  • Consultation

    Tell me about your passion project!

  • Proposal

    A detailed proposal will be presented and a plan of action will be declared.

  • Creation

    I will communicate with you regularly to provide updates on the project's status

  • Launch and Support

    The last step - delivery of the final project!

Contact me